Hello, I'm new in this forum and seems great, I wonder if someone can help me to control Fusarium wilth (Fusarium oxysporium) that is affecting a natural fence of Balandre, adelfa or laurel rose (Nerium oleander). I have applied Thyabendazol and Benzothyazol, and by the moment it looks great, even flowering, but sudenly tha plants become dry. Any orientation is welcome...
Hello Sergio Are you sure of the diagnosis of Fusarium? I ask because all across the southern USA Oleanders are dieing from Oleander Leaf Scorch a disease caused by Xylella fastidiosa (a bacterium) spread by an insect called Glassy Winged Sharpshooter. http://www.biocontrol.ucr.edu/gwssbc/figure5.html HTH Chris
Hi Chris, thanks for your coment. Yes, we already made a soil sample and we found Fusarium oxisporium and Fusarium miniliforme; that's wy we applied productos specific to Fusarium; however I have reduced population little by little, and I'm looking for some product more agresive. Atte. Sergio