I am looking for some help identifying a fungus growing around the base of a fruitless mulberry I have in my yard in the Los Angeles CA area. The fungus has been growing (elongating) for quite some time now. The new growth starts off whitish in appearance and then gradually turns brown and "knotty". Any ideas on what this might be. Can it be dangerous to pets or people?? I will attach some photos, if I can figure out how. Thanks.
Ok...a few questions? What is the color from above...it it Reddish/brown...gray...tan....... Do you notice any 'drops' coming from the bottom? Ideas here are just possible Ganoderma appalantium...aka...Artists Conk or a type of resinous polypore.....maybe Inonotus dryadeus...when young these are almost 'mushy' but harden with age...they produce 'resin' in droplets that also darken with age.... Artists conks that I know of aren't tree killers...however...the Inonotus dryadeus is...
Thanks for the input, the color is reddish/brown from above. The new "growth" starts off as a grayish/white and is somewhat spongey. As it gets older it darkens to the reddish/brown color and hardens.