I've poked a bit at various fungus ID sites but I think because of the location it might not look the way it normally would -- can anyone help? It's growing on the plywood floor of my chicken coop, up from under a piece of vinyl. It's under a leaky window, so it's damp a lot of the time. And it has the added bonus of a chicken poop growing medium. ;) I am located in North Idaho. I'm assuming mushrooms growing in my chicken coop is a bad sign, but I'll talk to the Backyard Chicken Forum folks about that -- but I'm curious if this is something I should be worried is going to poison my chickens. Photo 1 Photo 2 Thanks!
this is a Coprinus. Coprinus means 'dung-loving', and they love nitrogen rich environments like your chicken coops. They are harmless and benign.