Alright, Recently I moved in with Family while I search for my first house. So long rent- hello mortgage! With moving in I brought my plants. Little to my knowledge my mother in laws plants are infested with Fungus Gnats. In fact she buys plants and within months the larvae have killed them. So Since March I have done all the natural stuff for fungus gnat control. But now my plants also have gnats. I'm going INSANE! I don't over water my plants. That I know. My mother in law goes nuts with water despite me telling her to cool it. She is doing much better. I have changed the soil, done yellow sticky cards, gnat spray, put 1/2 inch of perlite And today I finally used tape and taped the pot all around. I'm going NUTS. What can I do without killing all the plants? I have pets and kids in the house and we are soon going to get frost (so I cant just throw them outside after spraying). Please help!
Niki, Look at the top of this page along the dark green bar; third word in from the right side is "search" open it and type in fungus gnats. There is an previous thread that has all sorts of info on gnats. I seem to also remember someone saying that sprinkling ground cinnamon on the dirt will help get rid of them. Good luck....barb
I have had very good results knocking off gnats using horticultural oil. The new kind, such as Green Earth brand, that is labelled for use on green, growing plants. NOT dormant oil !.. I mix it according to instructions, 10 ml/litre, and you have to keep shaking it constantly as it separates quite quickly, but using it to thoroughly water an infested pot cleared it up entirely for over a year, well, until Mom got a new plant that had gnats and we started all over again. I try to make a point of watering all new arrivals with the hort' oil mixture now, as well as spray them for any other potential critter problems.