help anyone? I was just up hiking at Gibson Lake in Kokanee Glacier P.P. today and shot this very brilliant looking fungi/mushroom. I know a rhodo from a daisy, but I don't know anything about these. Can anyone i.d. it for me? Thanks! Spotty
It might be Russula rosacea. In my limited experience with the genus, I have found that it is more difficult to determine the species as they age. This one is fairly old. The gills are spaced a little far apart for what I usually see in Russula, but that could be local variation. Look at the genera Hygrophorus and Hygrocybe, too.
Thanks for the info! I think you are right, it must be a Russula rosacea. I just searched for more pix online and also found some images of younger Russula that looked like the smaller red-capped ones I saw growing nearby (but didn't photo).
Also look at R. sanguinea and R. fragilis It is always helpful to get photos at various stages. Lesson for the day. :)