Hi All! Western Massachusetts weather veered from 90's degree days to 50's, with rain 3 days consecutively, and now the ap. Japanese Princess and ap. Mika... have these spots. What, if anything, to do? Regards, Deb
Good evening @debviolet it looks to me like Phyllosticta leaf spot. A fungal disease that becomes apparent after longer spells of rain in Spring. The leaves that have been hit will fall and should be cleared up and destroyed. There are fungicides that can be applied that will help whilst your maple is young. But if your tree is healthy and strong it will survive without this.
Hi, Acerholic! The trees are, indeed, very young. I have had little experience with fungicides, aside from Actinovate on mountain laurels. Because of a gardening popularity surge since covid here in western Massachusetts, that type is completely sold out (first time ever in 10 years!). Would you be able to recommend a brand, or the active ingredient? Thanks much, Deb
Hi Deb, this is what I use when all else has failed. I'm not sure if it is available where you are, but you can read the ingredients of this one so that you can obtain similar. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Provanto-8...rds=leaf+spot+fungicide&qid=1622531551&sr=8-3 But do remember your maple should be fine as long as it is healthy. As they get older they can combat this fungal problem a lot better. D