I have a small jade plant that was on a windowsill for much of the year, which I moved to my desk during most of the winter because the windowsill seemed rather cold (we are in Ottawa). Once it started warming up I put it back onto the windowsill, but then it was struck by a particularly cold period a couple months ago. Now the leaves are completely flat and thin (not at all succulent looking), somewhat leathery looking and wilted. It is still showing some signs of possible new growth, but I'm worried the sudden cold exposure may have really damaged it. Is there anything in particular I should do to nurse it back to health this spring, or just treat it normally and hope it recovers? It's a fairly young cutting from an older plant so I'm not sure how well established the roots are yet. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks, tuula
Give it lots of light and let the soil dry out completely between waterings. That's it. The leaves might be a little funny looking if they got a lick of frost, and be sure to cut off any "squishy" bits, but no special care should be needed.