Front Yard Vegetable Gardening

Discussion in 'Outdoor Gardening in the Pacific Northwest' started by KBQ, Jul 2, 2012.

  1. KBQ

    KBQ Member

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    Vancouver Canada
    what sort of problems could i have potetnially with the neigbors?
  2. David Payne Terra Nova

    David Payne Terra Nova Active Member

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    Port Coquitlam, B.C. Canada
    Call the city hall and ask them what the bylaws are and what restrictions you have. If you do things by the book, then the neighbors can't do a thing.

    Vancouver is pretty good about food gardening and even allow chickens in back yards. They seem to be very forward thinking and green conscious.

    Even if you neighbor is a p.i.t.a., during harvest go over and bring them a gift from your garden.
  3. Lysichiton

    Lysichiton Active Member

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    Fraser Valley, BC.
    I have a neighbour whose backyard is really shady. For years I urged him to put veggies out front. He finally overcame his qualms & put a few under his sunny eaves. They grew really well. Now the whole front of his house is veggies.

    A lot of people have complimented his garden. There have been no negative comments. Beans up some poles, squash plants, Kale, Tomatoes & some lettuce scattered among them - it's very colourful & decorative, in my opinion. The distinction between veggies & ornamentals is a bit vague. Sometimes I can't find our herbs which are planted in a herbaceous perennial bed! Why not mix them up just as it suits YOU or ME?
  4. Sea Witch

    Sea Witch Active Member

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    Vancouver Island, BC, Canada, Zone 7
    I agree with Lysichiton that it can be lovely to mix it up. I think traditional cottage gardens were like that with flowers mixed with herbs, etc.

    However, I also agree with David Payne Terra Nova, that you should be aware of the rules. In Calgary (where I used to live) the rules about having a vegetable garden in the suburbs were....draconian, and I'm sure my neighbors would have complained if they'd had any opportunity. I grew corn in big barrel pots by my front door just to amuse myself.
  5. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    Oh come on, we all know you were really using them to make corn brooms.

    EEE hee-hee hee-heeeeee!

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