Fremontodendron snow damage

Discussion in 'Outdoor Gardening in the Pacific Northwest' started by Adbalfour, Mar 10, 2014.

  1. Adbalfour

    Adbalfour New Member

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    Duncan, BC, Canada
    Moved last summer to new home with a huge, spectacular Fremontodendron. I had planned to prune in late February, but a heavy snowfall damaged it before I had a chance. The shrub now tips to one side. I pruned about 1/3, but cannot pull it upright and it is too heavy to secure to the adjacent fence. Roots are not exposed. The trunk(s) are thick, 5-6 inches in diameter. Any suggestions? Should I cut it back hard and hope for the best? Bees and hummingbirds love it. I'd hate to lose it.
  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Discontinue whacking it back and instead rig up an adequate support, as best you can - it would be really preferable to get it onto the fence. These needing a permanent support in the north is usual, especially since they often come from dealers with bound roots that are never going to be able to hold up the future heavy, spreading top growth.

    Watch out for the irritating hairs on the leaves and stems.

    If an attractive effect really does not seem possible take the specimen out, replace with another, younger example that is placed and trained as recommended (sunny wall, central leader etc.) - if you would like to continue growing this subject.
  3. Adbalfour

    Adbalfour New Member

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    Duncan, BC, Canada
    Thank you. We've managed to prop it up a bit. If it topples over next winter, I will start again. I discovered how nasty the little hairs are the hard way.

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