Exactly 2 weeks from today, there is a birthday. Her favorite flowers are frangipani. I've been told obtaining them is impossible in Vancouver. They wither within 10 hrs and just don't do well in bouquet form. If I got them as an indoor plant, that'd be fine. The important thing is, I want to know if I can get them. Does anybody grow them? I was told to perhaps find a nursery that may. Any advice would be fantastic. Huge thanks in advance. -- Derek === P.S. White Oleander is my second choice, and I've heard stephanotis is a good alternative to frangipani, as well as being very fragrant. Insights?
Check with Hawaiian Botanicals in Richmond for plumeria. Stephanotis has been available at various nurseries around Vancouver in the recent past.
I just stumbled upon Hawaiian Botanicals via Gardenworks and they do indeed have some plants, however I was told they may not even be blooming this year. Either way, I think that may be the place to go in the future. I may have to just settle for the alternatives. After hours of calling, I need to give it a rest. Continue perusing after the weekend. If anyone knows of any other possible resources, please leave me a line! Thanks!
Hi I ship seeds to Canada but not plants. Try Florida Colors nursery as I am sure Luc and Carol will ship to Canada. www.floridacolors.com
I bought mine from http://www.thetropicaltree.com/ My mom from the interior of BC also go hers from him. He ships all over Canada, and is located in Ontario.