I just ripped out half my garden(mostly to get rid of an evil invasive weed) but also to try something new. I'd like to plant sunflowers and one other annual, something with a strong fragrance. Any suggestions?
They love beer, but it is poisonous for them. (blonde bear, not dark one) Take a low recipient of about 4 or 5 inches diameter and full in it with beer. Dig it enough in order that the liquid surface be at the same level of the ground. Slugs will go to drink, they cannot resist temptation! Sorry about my English, if you want I send you a picture. By the way: what's BTW?
Thanks for the tip, but I'd rather drink my beer than feed it to the slugs!!!! LOL I fought them for 5 years, then gave up and pulled out anything that was slug bait and now I stick to plants that slugs hate.
Ed, you can use those little bits of beer that sometimes rest at bottle bottom, slugs don't need effervescence. I've heard that sparsing the sediment that rests at the coffee pot in the soil, among plants, slugs runs away, but I've never try it. About chickens I don't have experience, all I remember is that my grandfather had them at the hen house and let them free just a while every day. Don't know what for. BTW...what's LOL? ja ja ja (pity don't having icons..) Raquel
LOL is laugh out loud. Ed do you mean hens and chicks? Are they fragrant? Or do you mean actual chickens to keep the slugs away? ...confused...
Actual chickens....Guinea fowl work well too. The beer bait is the way to go if you don't want to be a farmer....very effective in getting the population down to a less destructive size.
I would love to have actual chickens but I'm pretty sure there's a zoning law against farm animals here...as far as slugs go, they are no longer a problem for me since I've eliminated all slug-loving flowers. I was actually just looking for a nice fragrant flower I could grow in mass.
For fragrance, try Heliotrope which is actually a non-hardy perennial for us. Usually sold in the bedding plants section in Spring. Some Petunias have good fragrance.