A lady at my work has a plant that I just love and want one for my home. It is in a basket with several other common plants,such as a african violet and a small palm but this one I don't have a clue about. It is a "bulb" type........don't know what else to call it, though I'm sure it isn't really a bulb. This "bulb" is visable above the soil. The plant its self is :long, slender, almost grass type green leaves that curl, yet they are a little stiff to the touch. Anyone have a clue???
How about "Pregnant Onion" Ornithogalum caudatum? The bulb looks like an onion, light green, usually planted above ground. Offsets come out of the bulb, which is how it got the common name. The leaves are long compared to the body, green, kind of thin "strappy" (if that's a word!) looking and arc in graceful curves. Here's a link to a pic that might help: www.desert-tropicals.com/Plants/Liliaceae/Ornithogalum longibract.
could also be a ponytail palm. that also grows from a bulb that is partially visible above the soil and also has long thin leaves that drape and they are a bit stiff to the touch. can you take a pic of it?
Thanks for the idea. I saw Pony Tail palms but they look so big. This is a pretty small basket....typical of what you get when someone sends you a gift from a florist. The basket itself is no more than 10" in diameter. Are there small versions? The bulbous part is about the size of a daffodil bulb, probably smaller. Kathy
the bulbs of small specimens of both the pregnant onion and the ponytail palm can be as small as 1/2 inch across.
I thought of the ponytail palm, but didn't think the fronds as grasslike when I wrote about the onion. Please do let us know which it is (if either); don't often see really interesting things like these in pre-set baskets! Lucky you to have such an interesting florist!