Ok. I can recall seeing "spiky" and I BELIEVE "dragon" on the name tag, but I threw it away a while ago. I'm not really sure what kind of soil, pot, light, etc. this plant needs. Also I seem to be on my way to killing another Aloe Vera plant. How in the world can you keep these things alive? I read about moving it to a shallow, but wide pot and thoroughly soaking the soil each time I water. The problem is the amount of light and frequency of watering. I haven't been able to find a resource to help me with this issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Aloe Vera My aloe vera survives very well with direct morning sun and filtered evening sun. When you water, water is throughouly but do allow it to dry out somewhat between waterings.
Re aloe care in the winter aloe should be watered slightly less. also, it is unhealthy to let droplets of water sit on the plant, as they magnify sunlight and may cause sunburns.