This episode of Growing a Greener World, For the love of maples; focuses on Japanese Maples and tells the story of Mr Maple dot com. Here is a link to the episode on YouTube: Podcast- Japanese maples a passion and profession with Matt and Tim Nichols: Japanese Maple Nursery | Growing Japanese Maples | joe gardener® For more information and resources: MrMaple - Japanese Maple Trees and Nursery - Growing a Greener World®
Good to hear, I thought you might appreciate it. It's packed full of great information. I thought the tree at 6:22 was a must see!
I did appreciate it, and do; I've seen it before as Matt and Tim are friends. I wish I'd thought to post it myself here! So for the moment I'm mostly grateful that you're more on the ball. :) Happy New Year John, and to your family, all the best.
@emery Happy New year to you and your family! I can't take credit for being on the ball as I saw this as a rerun on PBS for the first time this week and dug it up online via research (I don't watch much TV while the garden is growing). I think it actually was on back in September, so I'm late to the party. But didn't see it on here; so I decided to post for those who didn't see it and for those up and coming Japanese maple enthusiast in the future. The show, Growing a Greener World is very well done. It's something I believe in. Any chance to expose new people to the show is a chance worth taking!