Food Garden Zone 5b (28 June 2008)

Discussion in 'Fruit and Vegetable Gardening' started by Durgan, Jun 28, 2008.

  1. Durgan

    Durgan Contributor 10 Years

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    Brantford,Ontario, Canada
    28 June 2008 Food Garden 28 June 2008 Food Garden Zone 5b.

    There was rain 27/28 of June, which was much needed. It could be described as perfect. My four 45 gallons (Imperial measurement) drums were completely filled. They have become my practical rain-gauge. The garden will thrive now. Some growth has been retarded, due to relatively cold weather during May. My brocolli and cauliflower were pulled up due to poor growth, and root maggot.
  2. Acoma

    Acoma Active Member

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    Reno, Nevada Zone 6A
    Durgan, we have strangely simliar weather results this year. My brocolli has recently started to grow perfectly with the recently consistant heat during day and night. My days have been low 90's and nights of high 50's to 60. The buds are a couple inches around, and increasing daily. Too bad you had to get rid of them.. Are you planning to plant something else there? Do you plant fall lettuce? I will be doing so imbetween the corn. I believe the timing of the corns growth, shading below and warmth through sunlight, the lettace will grow well when transplanted outside in 2 weeks. What's your thought?

    BTY, how do you use your crosne?

    Your garden needs to be tested for steroids....kidding.
  3. Durgan

    Durgan Contributor 10 Years

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    Brantford,Ontario, Canada
    Acoma, I planted some beets, bok choi, and rapini in the vacant brocolli and cauliflower row, and they are all thriving. Lettuce is planted all over in vacant spaces, and some is more than ready.

    Crosne; this is my first year. Apparently the tubers can be eaten raw or utilized in a stir-fry, or even boiled. It will be a new experience regardless. Bok Choi was grown for th first time last year, and it was enjoyed immensely, simply cooked with a little butter in a cast iron frying pan. I also planted a later season crop and it thrived. Flea beetles like it as much as radishes.

    I haven't been growing corn, since it takes so much space, and it is always available locally.

    If space is available, I will try for some brocoolli in about a week by direct planting, also cauliflower. Spring cauliflower is always a risk in my area, since if June is too hot it doesn't produce properly.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2008
  4. Acoma

    Acoma Active Member

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    Reno, Nevada Zone 6A
    I pulled a bunch of radish yesterday evening. It was so difficult that my little girls had to help. They pulled 25. They were so proud to help with pulling, snipping ends, and washing them. Little gardners of the future. These girls invade the chives daily and chow down, funny. Well, great progress indeed on your end.

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