Hi, my neighbor told me today that she's been watching a large swarm of red bugs, about the size of a bumble bee, come flying out of our cedar hedge tree at dusk. This tree is right up against the house so I can't see any nest or anything really. I will watch tonight and hopefully see for myself. Any ideas? Thanks...Colleen
Wasps and bees are active during the day, this is probably something like beetles that are sharing a good daytime roosting spot but are not social insects per se.
Hi Ron, thanks for your reply. Are there flying beetles here in North Vancouver that are bright red? And would they swarm like that? She said there are 100's of them. She has a bird's eye view from her living room window which is about 6 feet from the tree. thanks again...Colleen
This is a clear introductory guide to insects etc. in BC. I expect it is available in your library, or certainly in your local Chapters: Bugs of British Columbia: John Acorn, Ian Sheldon. Otherwise a picture really helps. ...a nice little project for a summer's evening. Get a beverage of your choice and figure out how to get the picture &/or catch a bug (kiddie bug net from the dollar store) and check the result against the book. If I wasn't so busy being retired, you could invite me over - my kind of party :)
Hi Glass Brain, thanks for your excellent reply. Just spoke to my neighbor who said her cats have caught some of the mysterious bugs, so she'll bring one over for me to take picture of, then I'll post it here. I tried to see them last night, saw the swarming, but it was dusk so couldn't get a clear look at them. I even tried putting a flashlight against the window to attract them, didn't work. They are smaller that 1st thought, more like a honeybee size, I'd say. I'll be in touch, and thanks again for your help.
Here's an excellent infographic I keep bookmarked so I know what kind of bees to run from! I have hard time distinguishing which ones are my friends. I'm not sure what time they're out and about but this will help you get to know them better.
I was thinking the same as togata...Red Lily Beetles. I never heard of them flying in swarms before..