flowering trees for memorial Garden for parents

Discussion in 'HortForum' started by silver parrot, Jul 10, 2009.

  1. silver parrot

    silver parrot Member

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    Simcoe, Ontario
    My Father passed away suddenly in May and my Mother in June. I would like to bury thier ashes with two flowering trees in a garden with all the children and grandchildrens handprints in cement between the trees. I would like a tree that flowers near mothers day and one that flowers near fathers day. Since we have over 100 very tall trees on the 2 acre property already (we back onto a natural forest) I would like something smaller and showy - maybe under 15 feet. The site has about 6 hours of sun a day. The service is set for July 23rd - Can anyone help me please with suggestions for trees.
  2. kevindunbar

    kevindunbar Member

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    Spruce Grove, ALberta
    I would probably go with a double flowering plum. It tends to be an earlier flowering tree which in my area means may / june time. Quite appropriate I think...

    May God comfort you through your loss.
  3. kaspian

    kaspian Active Member 10 Years

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    Maine coast, USA, zone 5
    Flowering times vary from one place to another, so it's kind of hard for us to know what's flowering in your own area on those dates.

    That said, I would think a flowering dogwood of some kind would be a lovely living memorial to your mother, if the blooming time is close enough. Father's Day could be trickier. Some sturdy native thing like a sourwood (Oxydendron) maybe? Or a fringe tree (Chionanthus)?
  4. silver parrot

    silver parrot Member

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    Simcoe, Ontario
    thank you so much for your help. I received a gift of an Eastern Redbud yesterday but I do not think I can use this one (I will find another site for it) as I think it may be too sprawling.
    I live just outside of Port Dover, Ontario (Lake Erie).

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