My Father passed away suddenly in May and my Mother in June. I would like to bury thier ashes with two flowering trees in a garden with all the children and grandchildrens handprints in cement between the trees. I would like a tree that flowers near mothers day and one that flowers near fathers day. Since we have over 100 very tall trees on the 2 acre property already (we back onto a natural forest) I would like something smaller and showy - maybe under 15 feet. The site has about 6 hours of sun a day. The service is set for July 23rd - Can anyone help me please with suggestions for trees.
I would probably go with a double flowering plum. It tends to be an earlier flowering tree which in my area means may / june time. Quite appropriate I think... May God comfort you through your loss.
Flowering times vary from one place to another, so it's kind of hard for us to know what's flowering in your own area on those dates. That said, I would think a flowering dogwood of some kind would be a lovely living memorial to your mother, if the blooming time is close enough. Father's Day could be trickier. Some sturdy native thing like a sourwood (Oxydendron) maybe? Or a fringe tree (Chionanthus)?
thank you so much for your help. I received a gift of an Eastern Redbud yesterday but I do not think I can use this one (I will find another site for it) as I think it may be too sprawling. I live just outside of Port Dover, Ontario (Lake Erie).