Flowering Jade

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by bocakat, Jul 23, 2008.

  1. bocakat

    bocakat Member

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    Lake Worth, Florida, USA
    I purchased a flowering Jade about a year ago and it was in full bloom. Eventually all the flowers fell off and I have had a very healthy Jade since, but it has not flowered again. What are the special conditions that enable it to bloom? I live in Florida and the plant is in a screened in patio with lots of light (western exposure). It is growing like crazy and I am always cutting it back and have made many other plants from cuttings. Does it need a special fertilizer to stimulate bloom?
  2. Analogdog

    Analogdog Active Member 10 Years

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    Mountlake Terrace, WA, USA
    This I think is one of the great unsolved mysteries of our time, blooming Crassula ovata.

    It sounds like you are giving it enough light, are your fertilizing it at all? It is not recommended to fertilize most succulents, as they can become soft and etiolated. Now, how about water, at least weekly, and fully (draining out of the pot)? And how about pot size? Is it comfortable in its pot, or is it overgrown?

    If you have those down try is one of the low dose complete fertilizers like Dyna-Gro, as they work better with succulents due to the low nitrogen and the micronutrients that they add. Dyna Gro is in two forms, Grow and Bloom, which should be self explainatory.

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