I was down at Munn's Nursery yesterday and I saw one of his goshiki kotohime was leafing out. Lets all hope for a great spring this year I have not found any leaves on my trees at home which is good since we are suppose to see snow this weekend.
Looks like many of us are off to an early start again this year...worrying I know.This Katsura has been trying to leaf out since January but a cold snap slowed it and frosted a few leaves.Now it's 16degrees...be no stopping it now!
A bunch of Sango Kaku at a local nursery that actually began the leaf out process in late January (the pic was taken February 2nd). I LOVE the leaf buds that are just tight enough the leaves have not released yet. The color contrast is spectacular!
In Southern France we've had the harshest cold wave since 1985: we have been below freezing non-stop from February 1st to February 14th with temps down to -12°C. I will report on how the tender maples have fared (some do not look good). The buds in the Himes (the first to leaf out) are not yet swelling over here. Gomero
Down here the Himes and Katsura-types in POTS are budding out, as are the Japonicums (but they have their little 'fur coats' on, so I'm not worried about them too much). Trees planted in the garden are still tight, but buds are swelling - won't be long. We've had a few frosts the past week, with another predicted for tonight. However, temps this winter have been far above normal (one of the warmest winters on record) and they are predicting the next 10 days to be in the mid to upper 60s. There is no stopping it with sustained temps that high.
In the Lower Mainland, BC. Am so excited...bulbs I planted last year have massively multiplied and are coming up...my star magnolia has many pussy-buds on it, and the two miniature Japanese maples have those pinkish red buds on them...and dutch honeysuckle, sedum, delphiniums, bleeding heart have all started...and two of the rhodies just about to burst open. And we are not even into March yet. Yay! (Hope we don't have a suprise cold snap!
I was wondering how you had fared. I saw a few scary temperatures in your area on the national weather map. Here was very bad also, although my neighbor claims it only got to around -12C, -19C was recorded in a colder spot lower in the village. Still not as bad as 08/09 when we saw -22C and I lost many maples and other plants. But I note that the Barberries have died back, and there are signs of troubles on several maples. Although the crocuses survived and are again blooming, the daffs took a major beating and probably won't be so great this year... No bud swell here yet either, even pensylvanicum, mandshuricum and ginalla are taking it easy for the time being. -E
Hi Emery, I believe that the problem has been the extended period below freezing without any thawing. For instance I have lost all my ceanothus, some of which were 20+ years old and had seen temperatures colder than this year, but for shorter periods of time. For the maples it is still too early to draw final conclusions but I am very concerned with the obtusifolium. All evergreen maples have had their leaves killed but some may still be alive and flush a new set. I will know in a month or two. Gomero
Normally we've gotten temps down to 5F over winter and weeks where it gets into the mid/low teens every night. I've never lost a maple to the cold that was in the ground. This winter is more scary because it was incredibly mild and we could get a really cold snap now that things are swelling early. Snow cover helps in the cold, and last year we had about 4' even on the coast. I've only lost maples to cold that were in containers and pushed to the limit and then only twice. One night with a few hours in the low teens can do it. I wish you the best for a good spring showing!
some of my babies... can't wait for the rest of them to join in! wilson's pink dwarf, shishigashira, fjellheim, akane, mendocino momiji and, i know it's not a maple, but it's so cute and beautiful, i had to share - my kojo no mai cherry
Here's my first to really leaf out - Orange Dream. Cliche, I know, but a must for maple enthusiasts! Cross posted to the Orange Dream Gallery - hope that is ok.
Over here, after the exceptional cold snap of February, 'Katsura' is just opening up today. I have never witnessed such a late leaf out in my area Gomero
All the maples are equally late in my garden, except one: Acer caudatum subsp. ukurunduense. To my surprise, I noticed today it was quite advanced, beating 'Katsura' and the himes. I reckon ukurunduense uses more the day length as a clue for leaf-out than temperature. Gomero
This is my first spring with maples in the ground. I have understandably fretted through ice storms and two light snows (6" and 7") in late February and early March, but am delighted each morning to walk through my collection and see new growth. Every day is a new surprise, a significant change in many from the previous morning. Murasaki kiyohime has to be a standout with its red rimmed leaves, it is almost full. My Aconitifolium wins the prize for sheer pleasure though. Happy Spring indeed!
My yard has been very slow to show signs of life. A few of the trees have swelling buds. only this Goshiki kotohime has leaves. Then again we had an inch of snow yesterday. I found a few more leaves around the garden.
Wow those are amazing, I thought they were Red Maple flowers at first! I have first leaves, A. pensylvaticum has broken some buds. Flowers on Silver and some Red Maples. Now that my daughter found the camera battery recharger in her suitcase, I may even be able to post a picture again... ;) -E