I didn't see any threads in search in this cultivar, so starting a thread Is anyone here growing First Flame Acer x pseudosieboldianum All I can is OOOOOMG, the spring color on this just screams . I took pics and my photos don't even convey how gorgeous the spring color on this looks. Enough that I'm heading back to the nursery this weekend to grab it - did some reading up on this cultivar as I was not familiar with it.
Photo does do convey the color in person. It's brilliant vibrancy is at least 3 more times WOW seeing it in person https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/1ws1...743.jpeg?rlkey=zchqzqi7wtg4605apyaxxh1xm&dl=0
As per Wendy's comment can you post the photos. Also can you post it in this forum. https://forums.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/maple-photo-gallery.86/
No. Needed to do so research on this as it was new to me. I'm considering either heading back to the nursery and grabbing the 15" Box it's still around. They only had one 15" Box. I prefer that just due to single leader and WYE higher up.
15" Box gone.....don't want the one on the pic with the topped leader. Imagine if that color held all year long. Ha. Wishful thinking Plan B - I've got a grower who's going to let one mature for a late summer/fall delivery.
Slightly worked out in my favor. See the nice large specimen size. Grab it. Instant gratification Granted I do gain a few years of not having to wait... But I always forget about roots as I see this large grown tree in front of me But when I get it home, I always end up cussing myself stating I should have gotten smaller as me doing XYZ to these roots - I could have avoided should I had a smaller crop and established the roots from the get-go
But the larger well established trees are so much stronger. I have found over the years that the smaller and obviously cheaper trees don't always survive. So you end up buying a few and that works out more expensive in the long term. As far as root pruning is concerned, I do this every 3 years for all my potted maples whatever the size. But if your putting it in the ground, then the thought is to wait and leave it in the pot it came in,( clearing away some soil from around the trunk etc etc) then plant it out after a root prune if needed in late Winter early Spring.
3G or less, I tend to container it for 1 season or 2 before I put it in dirt so the deers won't get to it. I just root pruned a 3G before planting. It looks like transplanted from liner and just grew whatever...one root was very short and did a 90 degree and grew at at a weird angle - It was basically a short thick *L* right off the flare. In a different similar size plant, same thing, a short L right off the flare but it was fused onto another root right below it. I have one grower who I source who is fantastic...granted, it is a 1G or field grown 1/2/3 season grafted tree, it is always trained to be a single leader at least 6'-7' that I received with a good root system. No need to do corrective action