My Pear tree's are two different type's I don't know their names but one has a blight I thingk is the fire blight. Is their a way to get rid of it with out killing the tree ?
It depends how far the blight has gone into the tree. Usually one would prune out the affected parts at the usual time, the end of winter, and preferably burn the prunings. I know someone with a Yellow Transparent apple tree very infected down one side of the trunk, but the roots and enough of the tree is healthy enough that he gets a nice crop every other year. He'd probably get more fruit off some of his other trees by removing the infected tree (which spreads the disease to the blossoms of nearby trees, thus diminishing their cropload), but it seems a shame to give up such a predictable harvest of the Transparents. Here's a page about the disease, with some good photos: Here's a really good page about pears: