Filling in open space between rose bushes

Discussion in 'Rosa (roses)' started by Mfederico, Jul 14, 2008.

  1. Mfederico

    Mfederico Member

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    South Bend, Indiana
    Hola! Can anyone give me any ideas on how I can fill in open space between rose bushes? I understand that roses need alot of sun, and I took all the weeds out that were in between.

    I have moved back into my childhood home, which was originally my mothers home. She always kept it weed free, but she has then passed away (16 years ago). And my father remarried and my step-mom, has gone crazy planting all sorts of plants...Mainly wildflowers around the rose bushes...It looked like crap...I had tried explaining to them that certain flowers go into certain places, and that roses needed to feed off of the sun. Well to them it was like 'whatever'. Ok, I understand that I am no expert in the gardening/landscaping field, but I do know how to care for something I have always cherished...and those are roses!

    My father is retired, so 90% of the year he lives elsewhere (out of the country), and I am the one that has to deal with this mess. Last year I was fed up, and started to take out all those crazy plants in between the bushes. I have attached a picture so that you can see how they are planted...and receiving full sun.

    What are my chances in filling in the open space without it hovering around the rose bushes?

    Attached Files:

  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    WA USA (Z8)
    Remove the rest of the growth (weeds? lawn?) between and around them and establish clean strips (beds), then mulch these areas and maintain a mulch there. Unless the winters there kill them back frequently any required spraying, fertilizing and irrigation should in combination with the mulch result in the bushes growing quite a bit larger than they are now (some of them are still quite small). This will produce more of a filled appearance and may produce an effect you are satisfied with. Otherwise low colorful plants can be planted around the roses to make the scheme look less raw. Anything flowering with them in summer can be pleasing. Or plants with silvery foliage or bluish flowers can be used to cool down the often hot shades of modern roses such as these.
  3. jeanneaxler

    jeanneaxler Active Member

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    los angeles
    I like thyme. Under the roses it doesn't interfere with their need for sun, eliminates weeds and makes a nice smelling carpet to walk on when tending to the roses. Some varieties have lovely flowers too.
  4. Mfederico

    Mfederico Member

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    South Bend, Indiana
    Thanks Ron B and Jeanneaxler for the advice.
    I have completed all the weeding/lawn out throughout the beds and have sprayed and all. Mulching will come in during the fall, before the first frost.. Just needed to fill in the raw area. I'll look into the foliage/flowers as a ground cover. Thanks again...
  5. Mfederico

    Mfederico Member

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    South Bend, Indiana
    One more thing I forgot to mention. When is it proper to plant the foliage/flowers, thyme? Do I still have time to do it now, or should I just wait until next year?
  6. jeanneaxler

    jeanneaxler Active Member

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    los angeles
    You should ask your local nursery about when to plant but I think you can do it now without a problem.
  7. Weekend Gardener

    Weekend Gardener Active Member 10 Years

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    Coquitlam, BC
    Ideally, you can underplant with something which isn't going to compete too much for nutrients. I use the smaller varieties of Heuchera's - it so happens that Heucheras and rose look nice together!

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