Here are my Green Filigree and Red Filigree pictures taken on May 21, 2015. The green one bought back since 2007. The red one just bought this month. It's really difficult to grow the green one. When I bought, its caliber was about half an inch, now it is about over an inch a bit, but the height is not gaining much. I've learnt a lot from growing this green one. In my opinion, the more delicate the maple leaf is the more difficult to taking care of. I have other maples like Grandma Ghost, Sharp's Pygmy, Ariadne, and for me they're easier to take care than the Filigree. Now I got the red one which I take extra care to watch it growing. I'm looking for the red one since 2007 but just got one this month due to chance. I'm happy to have it.
Filigree is a slower-grower and it does better in shade - if you have a location that would receive bright shade all day, that would be perfect for it. No experience growing Red Filigree, but of course it will need some sun to keep the color. When you say the Filigree is hard to grow, or those with delicate leaves, what do you mean? As long as your growing medium (as I see it is in a pot) is appropriate, sun exposure is correct, and you are keeping it moist, typically no one maple is harder to grow than another.
Does everyone agree with this? I have always wondered. It's interesting in this post Sharp's Pygmy is mentioned. I have been growing this since 2006, at first in a pot and then in two different homes. It has not grown well, always suffering dieback. The soil in ground at one location is light at the other is heavier, but was amended. It sprouted this spring and there was some dieback from winter, then some of the new growth wilted and died. So, it has always been iffy for me no matter how it's been grown. Have the same problem with Peaches and Cream. There has to be a reason when right next to each is a maple growing beautifully. Now there was an interesting discussion about how the graft affects the life of the maple a few years ago. I am just wondering.
I cannot say much about Sharp's Pygmy because I just got it on April 2014 and it's growing quite well. Its caliber is about almost 2 inches and I think it reaches its maturity. I'll post its pictures later. The reason I said that Filigree is difficult to grow than others I have because I have not many problems with others (or maybe they are not posing any problems yet :)). But with Filigree, first I planted on the ground (back in April 2007) and it's growing well. But then when I moved in December 2011, I dug it out and placed it in a small pot and from that time it's been stalled for a while until this early spring of this year when I put it back to the bigger pot which you've seen in the picture then it starts growing again. I get a relief. it has not happened with the other maples, so that I said it's hard for me to take a lot of extra care for Filigree. But anyway thanks Andrea and you for replies my post.
Kaydye, obviously there are some notoriously finicky cultivars out there, and individual plants may have less vigor than is usual for the cultivar (just like people, some are healthier than others). Just thought I should clarify my earlier statement. :) oattao54, I have personally experienced a maple that seemed to do nothing for a few years (potted the whole time), and then suddenly produce extensive growth - as in 5 branches over 4ft long in a matter of a couple months. Some trees are just that way it seems. However, what may have happened with you is, since you dug it up to move, even though it was during the dormant period, you obviously disturbed the roots - no getting around that, unfortunately - and as Filigree is slower-growing, it just simply took awhile to recover from this and re-establish itself in its new pot.
Thanks Andrea for your clarification. Yes indeed there was a period that the Filigree dropped leaves twice (during 2012-2014 when it was in the small pot). I was worried at those times. Thanks again.
I am agreed with oattao54 about growing Filligree. I am in VA and so far those two filigrees that I have either died or grows very very slow and some are not even completely dead but die back about half of the tree after the winter. I tend to think may be the east coast area may not fitted for them. Mine are both in the pots as well as in the ground.
When I first bought the Filigree (at a nursery on Grant Line Street in Elk Grove, CA, now it's closed), the seller told me I got the last one they have and they will not carry it any more, so I was both happy and worried (happy because I got the last one, worried because I was a newbie about maples at that time so if something happened to this one, what can I do?) I carefully planted at the corner of my front yard but got the morning sun and afternoon shade. It went very well and so beautiful for more than 4 years and when I moved, as I said, I dug it and put in the small pot for easy carrying from place to place. I knew that there will be something wrong to this situation but I had no choices. I'm now glad because it survives thru those times in the small pot. I left my Sango Kaku, Seriyu, and others and only took Filigree and Grandma Ghost with me. Grandma Ghost has been fine until now even in the small pot. I guess I have connections with these two :)
When I first bought the Filigree (at a nursery on Grant Line Street in Elk Grove, CA, now it's closed), the seller told me I got the last one they have and they will not carry it any more, so I was both happy and worried (happy because I got the last one, worried because I was a newbie about maples at that time so if something happened to this one, what can I do?) I carefully planted at the corner of my front yard but got the morning sun and afternoon shade. It went very well and so beautiful for more than 4 years and when I moved, as I said, I dug it and put in the small pot for easy carrying from place to place. I knew that there will be something wrong to this situation but I had no choices. I'm now glad because it survives thru those times in the small pot. I left my Sango Kaku, Seriyu, and others and only took Filigree and Grandma Ghost with me. Grandma Ghost has been fine until now even in the small pot. I guess I have connections with these two :) Here is the picture of Filigree back in 6/14/2007.