Hello, I recently notice that leaves on my fig tree is kind of droopy and little bit yellow. I thought it needs more water so I make sure to water it once a day. However, its still droopy. Is there any other possible reasons cause this? Any advice will be really appreciated!
I think you are watering your fig tree in excess of its needs so that the symptoms you notice are the result of too much water, not too little. You should spend a bit of time reading up on the water requirements for fig trees - here is one of the first websites I came across but there are many more. Fig Tree Watering: What Are Water Requirements For Fig Trees
I have a feeling your fig will recover and forgive you. :-) It's funny isn't it how we associate love and care for our plants with watering and fertilizing them, not realizing that that is not what a good number appreciate. Nurturing plants requires learning what our leafy friends actually require.