Figgy goodness!

Discussion in 'Fruit and Nut Trees' started by DGuertin, May 7, 2008.

  1. DGuertin

    DGuertin Active Member 10 Years

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    Houston, TX
    Snapped this photo this morning; posting it just cause it makes me happy. ;-) No idea whwat kind of fig this is, as it was a salvage operation. Bloody thing had been 'bonsai-ed' in a 10 gallon pot for at least ten years, nearly starved to death, but somehow stayed alive. That was about a year ago, and it seems to have come through it all OK. Also have some kind of mottling or something going on one of my other figs; is there some kind of 'fig blight' or something?

  2. lorax

    lorax Rising Contributor 10 Years

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    Toronto, Ontario
    Looks like the fig that grows out by my woodpile. I've got no idea which cultivar, but they are tenacious critters. And tasty. Last month my kitchen was right full of figgy goodness, and I had to make a figgy pudding to deal with them all!

    Can you show us the mottling on your other figs? I'm sure there's something that blights figs, but if it's the same as what's going on with mine I can tell you what to do about it.
  3. DGuertin

    DGuertin Active Member 10 Years

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    Houston, TX
    Will see if I can't get a photo of it this evening. It's on my Celeste fig, though I think I have it going on with a leaf or two on my Kadota, as well.

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