Hi, I have been growing a fig tree for about three years. I have it planted in a pot because our winters are cold so I have to bring it indoors in the fall. This year I think I took it out too soon in the spring because it died. My question is, is there anything I can do to bring it back to life? Maria
if the roots are still alive than there may be some hope but if the roots are dead than its dead no bringing it back.if the roots are alive than it should resprout some new growth. if not than you will have to replace it with a new plant. just make sure nto to overwater the roots
Hi, what is the best way to know if the roots are still alive and should I keep the plant potted in soil or water.
Do you have a weeping fig? They are really fussy and will drop their leaves if unhappy. Mine have done that before. The did recover. If your plant got chilled in the spring and it's late July now, it doesn't look good. Have you been keeping the soil evenly moist? Do the branch tips look green and full or dried and small? If the plant is small you should be able to pull the plant - roots and all from the pot. I think that the roots should look light coloured and full. Dead roots would be thin and withered, I think, if they are there at all. Good Luck