I have a new fig tree that I brought indoors after having all the leaves drop off early fall. I didn’t research what to do at the time as we had just moved and was too distracted. It leafed back up very quickly after bringing it indoors at room temperature for the winter. I just researched that it should have been overwintered in a cold and dark environment and left dormant. What should I do going forward this spring. I live in the Central Okanagan region of British Columbia
If your fig is leafed up indoors, then you should be careful when bringing it back outdoors. You should shuffle it initially after bringing it out, increase the time outdoors step-by-step. At first only an hour or two outdoors are acceptable. If possible, select rainy or cloudy weather for starting. Avoid starting with windy days. Under the scorching sun and strong wind your fig will get damaged with ca 15 minutes. Keep your fig in the shade (under larger trees, behind a fence or equivalent) for first week or two. On the second half of the acclimation period let the plant take short sun baths (direct sun), by placing the container so, that for an hour or two your fig is exposed to direct sun. Finish shuffling also with cloudy weather, so that first full days outside were not very sunny and windy. Check moisture level frequently during acclimatization period. Water when there are signs of dryness. If you manage to move your fig outdoors without scorching it, then it got pretty good head start with this early leafing up indoors. But if leaves will get scorched, then it sets your fig back for several weeks, at least.
In case your fig became leggy indoors (poor light conditions), then the acclimatization should be much longer and even more careful. If you have made some posts here, then you better load here a photo of your tree. Fresh users have here certain limitations, that will vanish after few postings. Welcome to the forum!