Hi I planted a fig tree in my backyard. It is now going 4 years old. I learned that its roots can go deep. I live in Richmond and there are sewer pipes close to where I planted the fig. I have to transfer the fig in a container as I am worried that it can damage the sewer pipes. When should I do it? Is it ok to put it in a container now while the tree is still small?
While I am no expert in fig trees, perhaps I can reassure you. In my experience, at least brown turkey figs are very tough. I base this on my next door neighbour who has tried to kill her fig tree which was given to her even though she didn't want it. She moved it several times, put it in a pot and then left it without water or food throughout our very dry summers. In spite of that it is bearing fruit. I wouldn't worry about cutting back some of the roots when you pot it. But perhaps it should have it's top growth trimmed back so they are in sync. And if you get any fruit on it you have to let me know how you did it. By the way, my fig is planted on the edge of our septic field so I'll be interested to hear if anyone knows of fig roots being a problem. Diane