The genus 'Ficus' can be propogated by seed, cutting or air layering. Some species are more receptive to specific types of propogation.
One of the most commonly available is the ficus benjamina. It is most readily available in a majority of nurseries and plant shops. In your locality, you would probably use one as an indoor plant. These suckers become extremely 'site specific' plants. Grow it for six months in one part of a room, move it six feet to a new location and the leaves fall off. Grow it indoors and take it out in summer and the leaves fall off. They do come back, they just don't like to be moved.Under no circumstance do you ever take it out of a pot and plant it outdoors. My neighbor took a five footer out of a pot, planted it in his yard, and last month, after just eight years, paid 1800 dollars to have a tree service remove the seventy foot wide by forty foot high ficus that he just had to have in his yard. Ficus roots in one yard tree ripped the bathroom plumbing out of the neighbors house when a storm blew the tree over. The roots will raise a poured concrete house foundation over a hundred feet away. And forget roots under a driveway. Any small open pore in a drain or sewer line will fill with ficus roots. They are on the list of 'no-no' trees in most counties here in Florida. Pretty though! And yes, they propagate very easily from cuttings.
i am with you mr white,,i gave up on these trees indoors,best thing to do is buy a fake one,lol,as you, i am in florida as well