hello everyone. About a year ago, I got a ficus rumphii tree that is about 1.8m tall. It was doing great, until I moved to a new apartment. It was doing fine for about two weeks and I started noticing that a few leaves were slowly starting to turn yellow. The weather was starting to get warmer, so I started watering it more frequently (about twice a week) but it didn’t stop the leaves from yellowing. Now, it’s been about a month since this started and I am observing that many leaves yellow within 24hrs of watering. I water the tree when the top 2cm of soil is dry and water it until water drains from the bottom. I do this about once a week. Would you be able to give me some advice on how I can save this lovely tree? Thank you :)
Hi Daniel, Ah yes.. I only get indirect sun in this apartment now, while previously, I got more hours of direct sun.. I have the tree in the brightest spot in my room, but maybe it’s too dark still.. do you think this is something my ficus tree can adapt to...?
Some ficus don't like to be moved, so go through an adaptation period. But if it is getting less light than before but you are watering it the same amount, you may be overwatering it. Before watering it each time, make sure that the pot feels lighter than it did right after you watered it.
From what I read, Ficus rumphii is an outdoor plant, not suitable for growing indoors. In addition to light and watering considerations, that heat pump just above it could also be contributing to the leaves yellowing. I think you're going to have a hard time keeping this particular fig species healthy indoors.
Thank you everybody When I purchased the plant, they specifically asked that I keep it inside, but I will try how it goes with less water and take it outside if it still doesn’t go well... Thank you!