I have 2 Ficus Religiosa that i grew from seed. They are one of my favorite plants, but they keep getting spider mites. Now i am planning to put them outside and let nature help them out. Now i know that i need to get them used to the sun and wind. But its around 9 degrees C outside latley at night. How well do these plants handle being outside???? I think it may be too cold at night for them right now. Theyll be in pots of course. I can give them everything from shade to bright, hot ( over 40 C in high summer ). Thanks
CP, being outside will help them. spider mites love dry air so misting the plants will help... you can also look up alcohol mixtures you can use to kill them if the problem gets too bad. As for care outside: give them bright light, moist soil and you're good to go! but if you have very very hot summers i would give them some afternoon shade. for temperature, i wouldn't let them stay below 45F for long while they're in active growth but other then that they'll be fine :-) oh, btw if they drop leaves when you move them outside don't worry, thats common with ficus: they have to grow new leaves accustomed to the different light levels. happy growing -Matt
wth all the treatments ive done.... it dropped leaved like 6 tmes in 2 years,,it doesnt bother me now lol.. Im just going to leave it and when winter comes... ill put it in a spot by itself thanks for verything