I have a ficus (the indoor plant) bought in June. It barely has leaves and the stems are hard and brittle. How would I prune this plant? What do I do now regarding it's care?
Hi Wynne, Not sure which type of ficus you have, but if it's the Ficus benjamina - weeping fig, they lose their leaves if they get a draft, if you move their location, if you repot them, if you look at them wrong, etc. That is just part of their habit. All ficus grow to be trees, so they will develop a bark. I would say to wait until it leafs out before pruning so you know which are dead branches. Take a look here and if I have the wrong ficus, just let me know. http://www.plant-care.com/plantcaretips/090399.asp http://www.plant-care.com/PlantTips/1999/091099.htm http://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/interiorscape/ficusbenj.html This site lists several Ficus. Ficus care Newt