Accidentally I broke a big branch off my ficus benjamina 3 days ago. It broke off too easy, as it was just waiting for a little help to break off! Is there any way to produce a new plant by planting this one? How?
Those plants take very well from cuttings. HERE are some instructions with pictures. Depending on how big this branch is you might need to cut it up.
Re: ficus benjamina broken branch - use as a cutting There is some good info on propagation from cuttings, and broken branches - at which says: "One of the easiest plant to root from cuttings; although the specifics for maximum success vary with species, it's always worth sticking them into soil for the heck of it, unless you're already overrun with baby Ficus! My success rate, doing nothing special except an initial dose of Superthirve, is at least 80%. Very large diameter cuttings of Ficus can be successfully rooted. Air-layering is also quite easy. Ficus can be grown from seed, but require heat and humidity, and easily succumb to mold. I recommend growing from seed only if you desire a rare Ficus that can't be purchased easily."