I rescued some 3-4 year old lavender from a lavender farm and planted rows of them at my summer cottage (Okanagan, B.C). I know I have to lightly clip them now (in the spring) and again after they have bloomed but I am wondering if I should give them some fertilizer and if so which one. What about during the growing season? Can anyone help?
"Lavenders need well-drained soil and little or no fertilizer .... Give good air circulation. If mulching around lavenders, use pea gravel, decomposed granite, or sand rather than organic materials. To keep plants neat and compact, shear back by one-third to one-half (even by two-thirds) every year immediately after bloom. If plants become woody and open in center, remove a few of the oldest branches; take out more when new growth comes. If this doesn't work, dig and replace." --Sunset WESTERN GARDEN BOOK Of course they do need some nutrients. Sample soil and have it tested to see if there may be a deficiency. Your plants are old enough that they might have been a bit over-the-hill when you got them, in which case the last part in particular of the above excerpt becomes applicable.