Hi, does anyone know the best way to fertilize cool wave pansies? The tag says to fertilize but I don't usually do this in the fall/winter. What NPK and how often? Thanks!
there's info in the FAQ's on the "wave" website http://www.wave-rave.eu/wave-rave-en-US/ let us know how the Cool Wave last thru this winter (ie I'd be interested in a report-back next spring) I plant lots violas (the small ones, I find the traditional "Johnny Jump Up" (yellow/dark blue flower) that I start from seed (easy!) work out the best - I get lots of "damping off" with the commercial ones grown in peat pots and widely avail in the garden center at Cdn Tire ... the supermarket ... any normal plant nursery.
I don't know about these new "Wave" ones, but I always fertilize my winter pansies. They are heavy feeders and will bloom much better if fertilized.
I see that Stokes sells the "cool wave" seeds (not inexpensive) Westcoast seeds has others that they say in their online catalogue are "hardy" QUESTION for Eric Forum Moderator ---I think what we'd all in this thread would like to know is - what to feed (and in what form - liquid, sustained release, etc) and when (and when do we plant these "winter pansy" plants?) (oh - and do we water them if on a covered deck/patio?) I have had the basic viola *yellow/purple - Johnny Jump Up - survive Squamish hi pressure outflows (ie typical weather systems around Howe Sound / West Van / Gibsons - below 32F / 0C) over on the North Shore - in pots. That said - they don't look good for a while - then when the equinox comes along - they perk up and are nice and cheery during daffodil season.
I planted Cool Wave in one area (got them at home depot) and regular pansies in another. The Cool Wave are currently doing much better - more flowers, longer, fuller etc the "regular" pansies aren't doing very much at all. I have put some slow release fertilizer down, though I doubt it's doing much. Will also try a couple of liquid boosts.....