Douglas Justice's February 2019 in the Garden | UBC Botanical Garden blog features over-wintering buds, and it has some excellent photos. And if you go look this month, you can get a link to Garden Explorer with lots of photos all collected in one place for all the featured plants. I was not expecting to get excellent photos of tiny little buds and my expectations were met. I will start with featured plants, several of which seemed to have some animal reference. Worm-head tree, Meliosma oldhamii var. oldhamii has been written up as a Botany Photo of the Day (BPotD) at Meliosma oldhamii var. oldhamii, where commenters suggested camel's face, puppy paws, woolly caterpillars. Check out those BPotD photos by Taisha Mitchell to see impressive photos of this. Moosewood, Acer pensylvanicum - getting the reference must require more exposure to moose. More understandable is the “two eggs in a basket” description. Mouse-blanket magnolias. Douglas claims they are sometimes referred to this way; I'm having trouble finding other such references, but it's certainly understandable. Magnolia cylindrica and Magnolia stellata 'Waterlily'
Here are buds from some of my favourite trees. Melliodendron xylocarpum Franklinia alatamaha Enkianthus campanulatus. The green buds were from the Asian Garden; the red buds were on the shrubs in the Asian section of the Alpine Garden. Here is how cold it was. The sedum seemed to be doing ok though.