Currently I am working on my wishlist of Japanese maples that I would like to translate into action in the next few years. I tried to remove some as the list is much too long for my garden. That`s why I tried to form some groups with cultivars that seem to me a bit similar from some descriptions (I haven`t seen any of these cultivars in person, as there aren`t any nurseries that have them in my region). Please share your opinions and experiences and (if you have) fotos of yours so that I can make a decision. It would be great if you could tell me your favourite out of the following, or name a different one that I should take. As I cannot say atm where it will be planted suggestions both for a full sun spot or a half shade/shade spot are very much appreciated. If you think they aren`t similar at all, forgive me, I am quite a greenhorn... Group 1: Red/Pink in spring: Phoenix Beni Shichihenge Shin deshojo Corallinum Wilson`s Pink Dwarf Or even a better one? #considering colours not only in spring but throughout the year #habit #where do they get the best colours? #fotos?
@sun, as nobody has answered yet A, I will, add my thoughts. Out of your 5, I would go for Shindeshojo, my reasons are that this will give you the lovely pinks from leafing out until June. It is a strong grower that does well in morning sun until 1500hrs in my garden. The colours change to a mottled pale green, orange and pink colour during the Summer ( last two photos). It's habit is very bushy. I have 3 of the others that are on your list except Beni Shichihenge, all are good candidates, but I would not place Wilsons pink dwarf in the sun. Phoenix and Corrallinum are both very pretty, but they do not fill out as quickly IMO. They also don't have the bright vivid pink that is seen in Shindeshojo in the Spring either. I will add photos of my Shindeshojo from leafing out through to the Summer months. Quite pretty IMO in June (photo 4). Hope this of help A.
Just picked this up, maybe a bit late. I can only speak from my limited experience of the Maples I have, so may I add or suggest A. p. "Beni-maiko. " I have tried these as small plants without success so I bought a mature specimen which has not looked back and is spectacular in spring and autumn. Spring colour is almost so vivid it's unreal. Photo below of spring Beni-maiko with Orange dream behind and Ariadne to left.
@Acerholic Do you know of any nurseries or garden centres in U. K. where I could get a good specimen of Hogyoku? I did get one 2 yrs ago but I'm not convinced it's the right thing from looking at leaf shape and texture.
@Ken Hamilton, I'm sorry Ken, I don't. The only nursery I would think of trying is Junkers. She checks her stock in September so that s a good time to phone. Sorry I cannot help with this one.
For pink (first 2 photos): My ‘Geisha Gone Wild’ is always a nice pink in Spring and it’s still pink now. It’s a screamer and a strong grower. Sorry for the video stills for pics but those are the most recent. ‘Shirazz’ is a very similar cultivar if I remember correctly. For red (second 2 photos): ‘Beni Hoshi/Ruby Stars’ always starts bright red but it does darken in Summer to more of a red/green.
@Harcuvar, good morning G. What a lovely specimen, that will get A @ sun thinking!!!!!! Mine is still pink now on the 10th August.
@Harcuvar , thank you for your suggestions and the great pictures! Actually Geisha gone wild/Shirazz is already on my list, so I feel reassured by your post that it is a good choice.. I bought a Ruby stars this spring and I really liked its spring colour, I am quite curious if it will get pumpkin orange as I have read it will...
@sun, Here is my Shirazz / Geisha gone wild this morning A. Still pretty IMO. Do keep it on your list if possible.
@Acerholic , don`t worry, Shirazz of course remains on the list. I had no time yet to do research on Beni Maiko, but I will do that too as soon as possible... This is my list: The first I will buy sooner than the second ones... Atropurpureum Beni Otake ( dieser Ahorn wäre eigentlich als einer der ersten geplant, sehen Sie da eine Möglichkeit eine kräftige, gut verzweigte Pflanze zwischen 150 bis 200cm von einer guten Quelle zu besorgen? Wenn nicht jetzt, vielleicht im Frühling?) Summergold Osakazuki Koto no ito (hier würde ich so gerne zuerst die Unterschiede zu Kotoito komachi und Shino buga oka wissen oder sehen, falls sie welche besorgen könnten, bevor ich entscheide) Shirazz Shin Deshojo Ukigumo White Butterfly Autumn Moon Moonrise Mr. Sun evt. auch Katsura und/ oder Sango kaku (habe bei Katsura wegen Spätfrost und bei Sango kaku wegen Pseudomonas Anfälligkeit Bedenken und außerdem bin ich nicht sicher,ob man die beiden durch jährlichen Schnitt auf 3 bis 4 Meter halten kann?) Hana Matoi Grandma Ghost Amagi Shigure Beni hime Fairy Hair Mikazuki Murasaki Kiyohime Sharp`s Pygmy Coonary Pygmy Diss. Viridis Aconitifolium Acer shir. Sensu Acer palm. Ariadne Acer linearilobum Beni Yubi Gohon Dissectum Baldsmith Dissectum Red Dragon I am very excited, I`m going to be there Wednesday and Thursday next week!
@Acerholic , I forgot to remove the comentaries in German. I copied the list that I wrote to the German nursery...
@Harcuvar , I wanted to ask how old your Beni Hoshi is and since when it is growing in your garden. Mine is really just a baby and still in a pot. I think I should plant it, as it doesn`t seem too happy in its pot.
@sun, what a list A. Very impressive indeed. I would be excited, in fact I'm excited for you. Mr sun and Fairy hair would be on my list right now also. Regarding Beni Maiko, as Ken @Ken Hamilton said and showed, it is a beautiful tree. I have mine in full sun and it copes really well. The reds do turn a little quicker in my garden than Shindeshojo, but it still looks lovely. Here are 3 photos of my Beni maiko 'after' it looses the bright reds. Do send a message when you are there at the nursery and you have your choices. I am positive everyone will enjoy seeing what you bought. Have a great time A. PS don't worry about the German text, everybody will understand !!
@Acerholic, thank you D, it still looks very nice without the red. Of course I will present all my new ones to the forum ;)
12-15 years old. It’s been in my yard for around 3 years. It took 2 growing seasons before it really started to grow strong.
@sun, good morning A, I don't know what the weather is like where you are, but I would leave the planting for a couple of weeks, when not so hot. I always go by rule of thumb, that planting in the ground when the soil is warm enough for the roots to get going before Winter, but definatly not in 30° C heat. Just thought I should mention !!!
@Acerholic, thank you D. No, I was planning to run around with all my new pots for probably weeks until I can decide where to put everything.( Some of the plants I will probably observe for a whole season to get a feeling what they like). And during this process I will hopefully find a nice place for Beni Hoshy. I think I will plant Beni Hoshi in late September or October. Do you know its mature height? There is another question I wanted to ask for some time: Japanese maples as I understand are growing for some decades and then they stop growing but still live very long. If (as you said I could do) I would prune a certain cultivar during all the years that it normally would put on growth to maintain a certain size, would it then stop growing when he has reached that certain age? Or would it try to make up for the missing metres of height by extending his normal period of growth and grow till the end of its life? Maybe that`s quite a silly question, but it is important for my understanding of trees and for my future planning.