When are there Northwest/BC gardening shows on TV? I sometimes catch Cisco but it's just a segment amongst the news on Saturdays. I know programs exist but when are they on? Thanks, Erica (Abbotsford)
There are none including the one you 'catch'! There was a 1/2 hour one on the island, on Saturday mornings on a local channel, so I'm not sure if that would be aired in your fine location ( I love Abbottsford area). HGTV is too Torontonian for me anyway, and that's about the sum total of it. Too bad we didn't have some Brian Minter clones who could talk to all of our levels of expertise huh? I really appreciate his energy and polite dedication to everyone's issues.
Hmmmm...Isn't there one called "Get up and Grow" put on by Cannor Nurseries? I can never find it, though. And doesn't Cisco have his own show? Why not? I can't get enough of his "Ooh la la's." What a nut! I really need to SEE how to do things. Oh well.
"Gardening With Ciscoe" - King 5, Sat. 10:00 or 10:30 A.M. (depending on season) Kong 6/16 2:00 P.M Kiro 710 AM Radio, Sat. 10 - 1 http://www.ciscoe.com/