I want to plant a couple trees that will grow very fast but only to a reasonable height, say 25-35 feet at maturity or there abouts. I don't care if they are conifers or deciduous. Any suggestions?
the two parameters dont usually go together. You could however consider Lombardy Poplar and a planned pruning regime to limit the trees whence they reach the desired height. The methods to consider would be coppicing (every few years) or crown reduction (annually after it is started).
If temps do not drop below 0F to -10F , Albizzia julibrissin ' Rosea ' may work for you . Other plants you may want to consider : chionanthus retusus , heptacodium miconioides, cornus mas , cornus officinalis or cornus walteri . Happy Growing !!
If drainage is good, some of the smaller Eucalyptus species. E. kybeanensis E. gregsoniana These provide year round appeal. Cheers, LPN.