British Columbia: Failing rhodo - fungus, nutrition, or?

Discussion in 'Outdoor Gardening in the Pacific Northwest' started by cor, May 19, 2012.

  1. cor

    cor Member

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    Hi all, we have two large rhodos at the side of our home (approx. 10" diameter by 12" tall) that have started to lose many leaves after first becoming discoloured and droopy. It's happening quite fast, and we're concerned. It is still covered in blooms, and is starting to send up new leaves, so it doesn't seem to be affected in that regard.

    We've been in our house for 3 yrs, and they've been fed twice a year and watered weekly in the summer. They've never had any problems in that time.

    The only thing different this year would be that they've received slightly more water in the last month from a new irrigation system.

    If you can, please help identify this problem, and let us know if there's a fungicide we can use.

    Pictures attached, thanks for your help!


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