hey, i live in the west kootenays and have a pine tree or maybe bush that has many trunks and spreads out horizontally , i would like to have it more upright and not spread out so much, how would i do that without damaging the trunks? the average stem(trunk) size is about 4 to 5 inches in diameter
thankyou for the name, mugo pine, i am attaching pictures and hope someone can tell me how to make it more upright without damaging it.
thankyou, i guess i will just prune it then as it has already taken up about 10 feet of the lawn and the pollen is terrible when you brush by it. thanks for the information, this is a very cool forum, i have never done this kind of thing before.
Note that if you call it a mountain pine here nobody will know what you are talking about. And if you cut into the bare wood those parts will not grow new needles, just remain standing there as a bare branch or stub.
thanks to everyone, this is such a good place, and thanks for the prompt reply's, i guess i will live with the bare stumps, its better the allergic reaction that my husband gets when he mows the lawn.
Since the specimen has become kind of shabby and a source of irritation probably best to just take the whole bush out. Not a rare and expensive item that it would be a shame to destroy.