I want a hedge that grows to 5'-6', needs no more than 2 trims a year, is evergreen and is scented. I did a bit of research and chose myrtus communis. I found at Cedar Rim a myrtus communis compacta. The tag says it's a medium grower, it goes up to 6' and it's scented. Then I learned that if over watered, the leaves turn chlorotic. I leave in Vancouver, so lots of rain. Is the rain going to affect my myrtle? Is myrtle a good choice for a hedge in this part of the world? Does anybody have some experience with it? I also bought some laurel (evergreen and scented flowers) but I am told that due to pruning, one never gets to enjoy the flower scent. Any suggestions? Thank you.
Osmanthus delavayi would be a better choice for Vancouver. There is a sheared hedge of it at Center for Urban Horticulture, Seattle.