I think my eucalyptus tree may have expired. The branches and leaves went brown in early March, and has never recovered. The small berries/flowers are black. I can't seem to find out any info on how to deal with the it. Do I cut it back to the ground (it's 18ft tall), or do I just leave it as is and hope for the best? Would appreciate some advice. Thanks, Sue
Cold damage. Look for sprouts on the trunk or at the base of the trunk over the next month or so. Prune off dead wood just above the highest sprouts later in the summer. Edit: see also this thread: http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/showthread.php?t=51622
You are right. I looked carefully and found tiny sprouts at the base and about 6" up on the trunk. I will now leave the tree as is until later in the summer. Thank you very much! Sue