Has anyone ever come across eucalypts (any species) being grown in an atrium or other indoor space? Is it possible?
Might seem a little silly putting one inside in Sydney but don't know why you couldn't, as long as the room didn't get too hot. They are grown inside in cold climates, in suitable places such as conservatories. Many kinds can be cut back to keep them small and shrubby.
Ron - can you name any places where they are grown inside as you mentioned? I need to get an understanding of their growing requirements, especially light. This is for a commercial building, the atrium is 7 floors tall (27m).
Cait I'm not sure this would work for a long. Will it have an outside airflow? Would a council be able to help with some of the trees they use for roadside planting. Maybe they have varieties that do better in confined places like squares where there is a lot of concrete reflecting light and heat. I know gums grow in some impossible places maybe its just trying to get the right match. Liz Liz