Espaliering a "stepover" apple tree

Discussion in 'Fruit and Nut Trees' started by Helen Leung, Nov 4, 2002.

  1. Helen Leung

    Helen Leung Active Member 10 Years

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    I purchased a 'Mutsu' whip at the UBC Apple Festival a few weeks back. I have decided that I want to train it into a stepover, very much like the ones I see at your Food Garden. I was wondering when I should cut the leader down and how far? I've read in books that I should cut it to three buds (30") if I was to train it into tiers. Should I cut it down to 24", 18" if possible for a stepover? And should I leave just two buds instead of three??

    Thanks for all your help!

    And also, does anyone here know where I can buy some one year old whips of plum and pear trees? The people I met at the apple festival were from the Island and I'd rather buy in the Lower Mainland if possible. Thanks!
  2. Tony Maniezzo

    Tony Maniezzo Active Member

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    the height you cut at really depends on what height you want to establish your stepover. Don't worry about the number of buds because several of the buds below the cut will probably break into growth anyway, buds that are close together are a good choice as this forms a more uniform design for your lateral growth ( remove all other new growths below these two ).
    Talk to your local nursery they should be able to order in what you need or you could try cannor nurseries in the valley.
    Thanx Tony

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