I will be applying a mulch/drainage material to a 200 ft woodland trail to improve the drainage for people walking so they don't get their feet all muddy. I would like to choose a mulch that is environmentally safe and doesn't leach negative pollutants into the ground or nearby water. Can you advise what type of product would work best? Anything to stay away from? Thanks!
I always thought that shredded wood or bark mulch would be best. It does return organic material back to the soil. But, then, I am not an expert in this area.
Yeah, just wheelbarrow in some wood chips and rake them out. If area is too wet for this too work, then you need a boardwalk.
You should be able to buy a wood waste product called 'hogfuel' in Burnaby. Fir/hemlock if you can get it although you could use cedar in certain situations. For really wet areas, I'd trim branches as you go, put them down first and lay the hogfuel over top, again, if the situation allows. A gator would be a big help and probably easier on the back as well as the environment.
hogfuel may be a bit coarse but i think its in the right direction. try contacting augustine trucking and ask them what products they can provide to you. or , you can contact a large tree company, like Davey tree (PM me if you need an email contact) and see if they can provide you with a few truck fulls of tree chips.