I was thinking of planting some of these in my yard. I know that they dont stand a chance in my winters here but, i have read that you can treat them like bulb plants and dig them up in the winter, then put them in a frost free basement. I have also read that either i have to cut it down to a 2ft or higher stump, or bring the tree in whole. Other wise i was just going to pot them up and bring them in for the winter. Now regarding their roots. I know that there are many types of root systems, but concidering that these are related to grass, their roots shouldnt go down too deep, they more have a root ball, or a mass of roots correct?? Does any one know how deep tey may get in a season or 2???
Bananas and Ensete have rhizomes. They don't go terribly deep (maybe 1 or 1.5 feet) but they spread out like nobody's business (6-8 feet). Think of it like trying to bring in Iris corms for the winter and you'll have an idea of what I'm talking about. Personally, since I know how fast E. ventricosum will grow in the ground over the summer months (about a foot a week in good conditions) I'd be doing the stem-chopping thing with them rather than trying to bring in the whole pseudostem. I have friends in Edmonton who do do the full-pstem thing, but it takes four large men to move the things into their basement, since they get very heavy. If you want an easier alternative, a big pot on casters is it.
sounds interesting... Im gonna have to give it a try... But i have a 5b or 6a in my back yard, im very tempted to try a musa basjoo.... just for the challange
Hey there, Sounds great! I had one in a pot, that became very large. I placed it in a shed for the winter, and it died. They grow VERY fast and become VERY large, quickly. It is a challenge to dig them up in the winter. Some manage it with special equipment/lifts. VanDusen Gardens in Vancouver had a huge one, and I noticed this early spring/late winter, it was not in it's spot. Maybe contact them and ask them what they do/did with it. Good luck! When it comes to gardening, without risk, there is no fun!