Enkianthus help!

Discussion in 'Outdoor Gardening in the Pacific Northwest' started by TanyaD, May 19, 2021.

  1. TanyaD

    TanyaD New Member

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    We have an enkianthus in our front yard, and for the past 10 years, the flower clumps are usually plentiful and buzzing with bees by this time of year. There are currently only 3 or 4 clumps. It is north facing with dappled sun, and has always done really well! Walking around my neighborhood, I noticed other enkianthus are doing better than mine. The only thing I know that has changed is my neighbour removed ALL the plants and flowering bushes from his front yard last summer to put in artificial grass. :( I worry that this has affected my normally bee friendly yard. My oregano typically attracts bees, and there have been none this spring. I planted a pollinator Preston lilac next to my enkianthus in hopes of offsetting the lack of plants in my neighbour’s yard for next Spring.

    Any insight or ideas would be valued.
  2. lobsterpop

    lobsterpop Active Member

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    Sakonnet / Rhode Island
    Hi. I planted one over 20 years ago, this definitely has on years and off years. I expect the plant needs to rest from such prolific bloom during the 'on' years. Here in Rhode Island I have seen some old ones in excess of 20' high, but for the most part, these are unknown, very cheap when you find them. Buy them! No trouble at all, mine got along just fine in the shade of an awful norway maple for years, removed of the maple last year, the enkianthus is thanking me ten times over. My photos are intended to promote this spectacular plant, which as you say, is always buzzing with bumbles during its very long bloom period. Very fragrant once the pollen is ready, but I can't describe it. The whole thing looks more orangey in bloom, fall color is everything from purple to orange to yellow over a very long period.

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  3. lobsterpop

    lobsterpop Active Member

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    Sakonnet / Rhode Island
    Enkianthus really wants to be an understory tree, magical when seen from within and below. I got this from from a neighbor who thought it looked like crap. I moved it, it did look like crap for maybe 8 more years, then it took off. Incredibly beautiful now in all seasons.

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    Last edited: May 26, 2021
    Daniel Mosquin likes this.

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