Hello, I have several English Laurel bushes which have been infected with the shot hole disease. New leaves have small brown spots - which turn into large holes. There is good sun exposure and other plants are not affected. Please refer to the attached picture. Internet reserach says to use a copper based fungicide. Can you please recommend a particular brand? Where can I buy this product in lower mainland, BC? Thanks, Fenton.
from your photographe here it looks more like it is insect damage than shothole fungus. best thing to do is take a piece of the plant into a garden center nearby that has a staff member that you trust and get them to look at it for you. its better to have someone look at it and feel and see the symptoms than try to analyse from a photo. Fixed copper is sold under many brand names such as Wilson's Bordo or Later's Copper Spray. generally availabel at most garden centres including Gardenworks and Cedar Rim
Looks like 'Otto Luyken'. This often develops terrible shothole, even if you don't have it now you may get it later, so replacement with another kind of shrub may be best remedy.
Like Ron B, I woulda thought those were laural's too, and it sure looks like shothole, and they are notious for shothole, but as i notice around the lower mainland, too many plants are looking like that. My concern is heat and drought stress. Either way copper is the best treatment, exsecially for disease's like shothole, I usually apply copper in late summer, fall, or winter. 2 or 3 treatments too. But you still have to prune back all the damaged leaves to make it look nice again. You may be surprised how well the copper cleans it up in a couple years. Jim
Not sure what the point of the thread is. The exact photo is on this site: http://www.county.ces.uga.edu/cobb/Horticulture/Factsheets/shothole/shothole03.htm The site says how to treat the problem.
Rereading the question, I guess you weren't asking for a diagnosis, but for a brand name. I don't think the brand is particularly important, and you can most likely find copper fungicide at most garden centers... although I like Ron B.'s recommendation better.
Thank you very much for all your advice. I'll take a sample to a garden shop to get a "hands-on" diagnosis. Regards, Fenton.