I've just recently moved to Vancouver Island and have fallen in love with all the English Ivy that seems to be growing everywhere! Beautiful. Whats the most successful way to propagate a wild ivy into a trellis in my front yard in Coombs, BC, which is mid-island area.
It propagates very easily from cuttings. Whether you should do so is another matter; it is listed as a serious problem invasive exotic in BC, which most people are striving to get rid of. Maybe move over here, where you can enjoy it as a valuable native plant and grow it freely with a clear conscience!
Yes, sorry: definitely an invasive plant and inappropriate for our region: Invasive Plant Alert from BC Ministry of Agriculture and Lands. If it softens the blow at all, we've either removed or will be removing all of the specimens of ivy in the garden. There are still a few remnants in areas that are planned for renovation, but I suspect they won't be there for too much longer.